Monday, February 7, 2011

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Lymph plays an extremely important role in the overall health and beauty of the body. Lymph gives the tissues the nutritional elements they need, it feeds them and takes away and eliminates the waste products of the cellular metabolism.
When you apply Manual Lymphatic Drainage movements, it stimulates the drainage of these waste products, and contributes to a better distribution of nourishing elements to the skin. This also prevents the lymph from stagnating and producing swelling of the tissues.
Lymphatic Drainage:
purifies tissues
Eliminates stasis
Regenerates cells
Ensures an improved hydration of the skin
Oxygenates the cells
“Lymphatic Drainage drains away the excess fluids which surround the cells, and therefore helps to maintain the hydrous balance of the interstitial spaces. It eliminates the waste products produced by cellular metabolism” (Pr. LEDUC)
Manual Lymphatic Drainage also:
Purifies Tissues
Eliminates stasis
Regenerates cells
Improves hydration
Oxygenates cells
Increases lymph vessel contractility
Empties and compresses lymph
Improves lymph circulation
Helps to break down fibrotic areas
Causes the body’s immune system to function more effectively
Promotes healing
Relieves fluid congestion
Deeply relaxing
Accentuates parasympathetic response
Reduces pain by exciting “touch receptors”

MLD is a very light smooth movement that is deeply relaxing. I am Certified in MLD and it is included in my Acutonics Facial, but you can also request to add it on to any Facial in place of massage.  

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