Monday, January 17, 2011

Not So Glowing Skin???

So I recently took a good look at my skin….and said what the heck is going on! Where did my glowing skin go?? So I thought hard about what I had been doing differently recently. STRESS!! The new year can sometimes be a stressful time trying to start the year right getting everything and anything done, getting back to work after a long break, already trying to reach a resolution…sound familiar to anybody??
Stress plays such a huge role in our skins appearance. Although it may be true that everybody handles stress differently emotionally, on a physiological level our bodies respond very similarly.  Stress is one of the main contributors to an increased population of free radicals in the body, which is a major cause of premature aging. Emotional or mental trauma can cause you to screw up your face or frown or pout, and constant muscular contractions can eventually become permanent fine lines and wrinkles.

Stress prompts the production of adrenaline. One of the actions of this hormone is to direct blood away from the skin and send it to the muscles for increased strength to deal with emergency situations.  Not good!! Blood and lymph are the skins main source of nutrients. This constant adrenaline rush from stress eventually gives the skin that pale and sallow look.
Intense emotions like anger, frustration and excitement stimulate the release of certain hormones and enzymes, which activate the overproduction of sebum which can cause breakouts.
These are just a few of the ways stress affects the skin. Unfortunately, stress brought about by modern living does not give us that much needed rest. Day in and day out, stress is always there with us every step of the way. Stress might follow us from the time we wake up in the morning until the time we are about to retire for the night. At times, stress even follows us in our sleep! If you have been noticing your skin has been looking a little dull or having unusual skin conditions for your skin type, take a look at your stress level, it could very well be the main issue with your skin.
It may be impossible in today’s world to completely illuminate stress….but let’s try to minimize it!
-         Take some down time for yourself! Get a facial, massage, sit in a sauna—whatever you enjoy most!

-         Meditation/Yoga/Pilates

-         Acupuncture- An amazing treatment that is deeply relaxing and will help balance your body from the inside.

-         Don’t be afraid to say NO!! Would you mind joining our group that meets twice a week?? Will you sign up to bring snacks for the class?? Etc. sometimes we simply just take on too many tasks which causes a lot of stress!

Sometimes it takes an internal change to change the appearance on the outside.  You will be amazed at the difference in your skin from taking your stress level down a few levels! J

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