Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year, New Treatment!

Acutonics, n. 1. System of vibrational sound healing rooted in Oriental Medicine and philosophy that utilizes tuning forks and symphonic gongs tuned to the planets, Tibetan bowls, bells, drums, and rattles. Connecting body, mind, and soul in the journey toward optimal health, harmonic attunement or at-one-ment with all things in the Universe. 2. The integral way, undifferentiated wholeness, the essence of Tao.

I am trained in Acutonics in relation to skincare. Acutonics is an application of precisely calibrated tuning forks on pressure points of the body to bring about balance, healing and relaxation. You will hear the soothing tone and feel the vibration of the tuning fork run through your body as it balances the flow of Qi, the life force referred to in Chinese medicine. It is truly a unique and deeply relaxing experience.

This treatment makes me so excited because the results will be stellar! It includes a skin anyalasis, enzyme peel, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Acutonics on the body and face, an ampoule and to finish off the jade roller will be used on the face.  So there are probably a few things in that list that made you go huh??
Manual Lymphatic Drainage on The face works to get rid of excess fluid in the face, reducing bags under the eyes, making eyes more clear and leaving the skin with an inner glow. It is also a deeply relaxing treatment.
The Jade Roller has been used by the Chinese for thousands of years. On the face it feels cool and smooth which is very relaxing. Some of the benefits of it include: Aids in closing pores, helps tightening and firming, reduces puffiness, aids in lymphatic drainage, increases blood flow to the face, helps tone facial muscles, increases oxygen supply to the face. To get the most benefits from the Jade Roller it is recommended to be used daily. This is something that you can add into your normal skincare routine at home. We have Jade Rollers available to order at Skin Zen. Check out our website under prices and Specials for more info on this Facial! http://www.skinzenpdx.com/

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