Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Negative Ions=GOOD Positive ions= BAD NEWS

We are heading out to seaside today to soak up some negative ions! Don’t worry they aren’t really negative J

Positive ions surround us every day as pollutants. These positive ions are what ages our skin causing dark spots, sagging, wrinkling, and breakouts.

So how do we get negative ions to counteract the positive? From the ocean! Being near the ocean is a huge source of natural negative ions. Other ways of getting negative ions is from eating healthy and being out in nature…hiking…near waterfalls.

These negative ions don’t just give you glowing skin they also:
  • enhance the immune system
  • increase alertness
  • increase work productivity and concentration
  • reduce susceptibility to colds and flu
  • relief from sinus, migraine headaches, allergies and hay fever
  • reduce the severity of asthma attacks
  • increase lung capacity
  • stabilize alpha rhythms
So get out to the coast in this beautiful weather and soak up those negative ions. Don’t forget your physical block sunscreen J

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