Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sexy Substitutes

ok ladies....heres a few simple substitutes to help keep you sexy while still eating some of your favorite baked goods. 

 Substitute  these ingredients while baking!

Instead of........                               Try........
corn syrup                                      agave syrup 
white flour                                      almond flour or coconut flour
milk chocolate                                dark chocolate 
cows milk                                        almond milk or rice milk
shortening                                      Butter 
vegetable oil                                   grapeseed oil 

Almond Flour Muffins 
3/4 cup unsalted butter
3/4 cup agave syrup 
4 eggs
1/2 cup almond or rice milk
1 teaspoon vanilla 
1 1/2 cups almond flour
1/2 cup organic coconut flour 
2 teaspoons baking powder 
1/4 teaspoon sea salt 
Preheat the oven to 350. Mix cream, butter, and syrup until smooth. add in eggs one at a time, and beat until fully blended. add the milk and vanilla and mix until combined. in a separate bowl, combine the flours, slt, and baking powder. beat the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. beat until creamy. fill a buttered muffin pan until the cups are 3/4 full and bake 15-20 min. Serve with fresh fruit and whipped cream! YUMM!!

You'll still be able to look yourself in the mirror in the morning when you cook with these savory treats because they'll do your body good. Talk about having your cake and eating it too!!! :) 

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