Wednesday, May 9, 2012

5 bad habits that cause premature aging

Are you causing premature again in your skin? These are 5 of the most damaging habits for your skin that you might not think about every day. 

1. STRESS- Stress not only affects such things as acne flare-up, in general it worsens the
overall skin condition. It causes the adrenal glands to overproduce cortisol, a steroid, which in turn makes sebaceous glands produce more oil and make skin more oily.  Chronic stress also causes the adrenal glands to over produce cortisol which decreases the skin’s ability to regenerate which leads to wrinkles and sagging skin.  

2. LACK OF SLEEP- Lack of sleep has a huge affect on your eyes include dark circles, puffy eye bags, fine lines and wrinkles. 

3.  ALCOHOL USE- Alcohol can cause skin aging by dilating small blood vessels in the skin and increasing blood flow near the skin's surface. Over time, these blood vessels can become permanently damaged, creating a flushed appearance and broken vessels on the skin’s surface.

4. SUN EXPOSURE- Not protecting your skin from the sun will cause age spots, a breakdown of collagen & elastin which causes skin sagging or a loss in elasticity. It can also cause your skin to have a leathery appearance. 

5. CIGARETTE SMOKE- exposure to cigarette smoke significantly increases skin wrinkles and dryness. This is partly due to the fact that cigarette smoke depletes your body of Vitamin C, which is a key ingredient for keeping skin plump and moist.