Group style acupuncture is growing increasingly popular across America… And for good reason-- We are in desperate need of affordable, preventive and holistic care. Beyond the obvious (acupuncture given in a group setting), it is a way to receive care that in many ways transcends the benefits of private treatments.
Just as with anything that is done in a group, the effects can be amplified. The results can actually be more effective both on the physical and on the mental-emotional level.
The cost is greatly reduced, making this an incredibly affordable way to practice self-care, to recover from pain/injury, or treat any of the other imbalances that acupuncture is known to help. Here it is sometimes less than what most people spend on coffee and snacks during one day!!
FAQ about group acupuncture:
Is there any privacy or does everyone get to hear what I say?
Is there any privacy or does everyone get to hear what I say?
Answer: Our room is very peaceful and calming with music playing as well as a “white noise” machine going. This makes it a little more difficult to be heard unless talking is loud. If you are a very private person that is coming in for something you do not want people to know anything about you may want to have a private session first to do a private full interview.
Do I have to take clothes off?
Answer: No. Just your shoes and socks, and maybe a sweater of jacket if you are wearing one. you will want to wear something comfortable like workout clothes.
Is it as effective as a private treatment?
Answer: Yes!! Jessica uses the same techniques and attention as she does in a private session.
What if I can’t relax with others in the room?
Because Acupuncture itself is deeply relaxing along with the relaxing environment , people usually don’t have too much trouble letting themselves relax but for some people it make take a few group sessions to get used to.
How often do I need to come?
Answer: Depends on what you are being treated for. Sometimes people come in 2 times per week for a couple of weeks, then decrease to once per week, then down to a “tune-up” schedule of what works for them (usually once per month or per season).
Now through December 1st we are offering an intoductory price of $10 so everyone can try it out! If you are one of those people who has always wanted to try acupuncture this is a good way to get in for only $10 to see what you think. Jessica has group acupuncture sessions every weekend. Our Facebook and Twitter feeds can keep you up to date on the times or you can contact