Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Doors Open, Doors Close

You know the saying when one door closes another door opens? Well here at Skin Zen we have the opposite going on. We have been given a wonderful opportunity and because of that we are closing our door at Skin Zen on NE Fremont Street. Don't worry, we aren't moving too far! We will be only 3 miles, or about 8 minutes, away from our current location! This exciting new door that has opened for us is at 2bwell Clinic, and we know that all of you will find it exciting too! Our patients will now have the convenience of two great locations (downtown Portland and Lake Oswego) as well as working with full time reception and office management staff for scheduling, billing, and insurance verification services at 2bwell. We also hope all of you will take advantage of the other great practitioners and modalities 2bwell offers in-house including: Naturopathic Medicine, Massage Therapy, Chiropractic Medicine, Registered Dietician, Yoga Classes, and many other services. 

As you know, at Skin Zen our unique focus has been the natural anti-aging treatment of facial rejuvenation. This will continue to be a focus of ours at 2bwell, and we are currently working with 2bwell’s founder who has also specialized in Cosmetic Acupuncture since 1995 to develop a new program called Acu-Lift. We have combined our knowledge and techniques to create the most awesome and effective program possible! Plus, we are adding group Acu-Lift treatment options making it even more affordable!

Marcy will continue to provide the best holistic skincare around, though you may notice that due to her recent marriage she is now Marcy Franklin rather than Marcy Heidenreich! Jessica will still offer both individual and group acupuncture treatments, and has also expanded the types of insurance she can accept, and can now bill almost all insurance plans that cover acupuncture, as well as Worker's Compensation and Motor Vehicle Accident patients.

While we will miss the zangy sound of the name 'Skin Zen,' we are so excited about joining 2bwell Wellness Group and the convenience we are able to offer all of our beloved clients and patients. We know you will love the staff at 2bwell as much as we do and we can't wait to see all of you there! We are making the transition from Skin Zen to 2bwell a quick one and are already up and running at 2bwell and ready to see patients at both clinics! You can contact 2bwell directly to schedule with us, or we are happy to set up all of our Skin Zen patients with their first appointment at 2bwell---just call or e-mail us! We are absolutely happy to honor all vouchers you have purchased until their expiration date and all Skin Zen gift certificates until December 31, 2012. 

We encourage all of you to come check out the 2bwell Clinics at these great events coming up! We would love to see all of you!

Event at 2bwell Downtown:
FREE Healthy Happy Hour with Health Screenings
Thursday, August 23rd
6:00-8:00 pm
219-223 W Burnside St.
Portland, OR 97209

Event at 2bwell Lake Oswego:
Healthy Happy Hour Event- Every Friday in August & September
Half Off Treatments 12-3 pm
Call to schedule:  503.655.0044
5935 Willow Ln.
Lake Oswego, OR 97035

Thank you all for all of your love and support as we grew Skin Zen, and we look forward to treating you all at 2bwell! Don't forget to 'like' our personal business pages on Facebook (Marcy Franklin, Licensed Esthetician and Jessica Tatieze Acupuncture, LLC) as well as 2bwell's page (2bwell Wellness Group) to keep up with the latest news in skincare and wellness as well as events and offers we have going on!

Check out to see more info about the clinic and our new bios!!

Much love, happiness, and wellness!!

Jessica & Marcy

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

5 bad habits that cause premature aging

Are you causing premature again in your skin? These are 5 of the most damaging habits for your skin that you might not think about every day. 

1. STRESS- Stress not only affects such things as acne flare-up, in general it worsens the
overall skin condition. It causes the adrenal glands to overproduce cortisol, a steroid, which in turn makes sebaceous glands produce more oil and make skin more oily.  Chronic stress also causes the adrenal glands to over produce cortisol which decreases the skin’s ability to regenerate which leads to wrinkles and sagging skin.  

2. LACK OF SLEEP- Lack of sleep has a huge affect on your eyes include dark circles, puffy eye bags, fine lines and wrinkles. 

3.  ALCOHOL USE- Alcohol can cause skin aging by dilating small blood vessels in the skin and increasing blood flow near the skin's surface. Over time, these blood vessels can become permanently damaged, creating a flushed appearance and broken vessels on the skin’s surface.

4. SUN EXPOSURE- Not protecting your skin from the sun will cause age spots, a breakdown of collagen & elastin which causes skin sagging or a loss in elasticity. It can also cause your skin to have a leathery appearance. 

5. CIGARETTE SMOKE- exposure to cigarette smoke significantly increases skin wrinkles and dryness. This is partly due to the fact that cigarette smoke depletes your body of Vitamin C, which is a key ingredient for keeping skin plump and moist. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Getting Jaded!

    There’s a new tool on the block that really isn’t new at all—the jade roller. These rollers have been used in China for centuries and can be used daily to help preserve the skin's youthful appearance. If you have been in to Skin Zen Acupuncture & Esthetics, chances are you felt a cool, rolling motion during your facial known as the Jade Roller. :)
Benefits of Jade Roller-
Aids in closing pores
helps tighten and firm the skin
reduces puffiness
releases blocked sinus congestion
plumps wrinkles
relieves stress
reduce inflammation
aids in lymph drainage
gives a youthful glow
tones facial muscles
aids in removing toxins from the skin by circulating the lymphatic system

Incorporating acupressure, Acupuncture, or massage can boost these effect!

Not only that, but the Jade stone itself hold healing properties.

Jade stone healing power: Solid to translucent. "Very Lucky Stone", peace, serenity, memory, increases vitality, encourages harmony, inspires wisdom, prolongs life. . Each with its own slightly different use. Green: Health, wealth, longevity stone. Ancient Chinese used it also for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace, harmony, lungs, heart, thymus, immune, kidney and blood detoxification and the nervous system. It is a very popular gemstone projecting universal love, health, wealth and long life. One of the most pure and serene stones, it carries the "wisdom of the ages". Combining the powers of heaven and earth it can inspire you to make clear choices quickly, leading to the path of true joy and abundance. Can treat disorders of the heart and spleen. Brings out the deep peace from within. Dispels negativity. Powerful in balancing emotions. Encourages change, heroism. Promotes idealism and beauty. Increases fertility, longevity.  Brings needed energy. Facilitates healing, meditation, Considered a "Dream Stone." Benefits female discomfort. (

The benefits of the Jade roller are amazing. Take one home next time you are in to take advantage daily of all the effects listed. I use mine every night before bed. It is a very relaxing way to wind down at the end of the day!

Monday, November 7, 2011 your bath??

Its that time of year….its getting cold out… your skin is starting to get dry…and you body is feeling a little stagnant. The perfect fix is easier than you think. Have you tried taking a seaweed bath at home? It is as easy as buying dried seaweed and adding it to your hot bath. The properties and benefits of  seaweed are out of this world!

The lymphatic system washes and filters waste products from your body's cells and tissues, carrying these wastes to elimination organs such as the kidneys, liver and skin. The lymph system can get congested and stagnant over time. Seawater can be used to cleanse and rejuvenate the body. A weekly seaweed bath can stimulate lymph circulation and help return your lymphatic system to optimal performance.

Seaweed supports detoxification and the elimination of excess fluid in body tissues. Its electromagnetic action releases fluid from congested cells and dissolves fatty wastes, according to "Healthy Healing." Other benefits to the body's lymph system include boosting immunity, raising energy levels and promoting stress relief.

Seawater contains many trace minerals that support the endocrine system. While soaking in a seaweed bath, your body can absorb these nutrients directly into its bloodstream, which provides nourishment and promotes healing. Brown seaweed varieties have a high concentration of iodine, which facilitates detoxification, stimulates metabolism and boosts thyroid gland activity. The high vitamin K content in seaweed boosts adrenal gland activity to balance stress and reproductive hormone levels.

Researchers say seaweed bathing promotes increased circulation of blood and lymph flow and has been used as an anti-cellulite remedy. The increased circulation can even help your body burn fat! J

Thalassotherapy also helps heal surface wounds, firms the skin, improves skin tone and helps the skin retain moisture.

Whoa! So go home run a nice warm bath….and for goodness sakes add some seaweed to it for all of these benefits!


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Is Group Acupuncture for you???

Group style acupuncture is growing increasingly popular across America… And for good reason-- We are in desperate need of affordable, preventive and holistic care.  Beyond the obvious (acupuncture given in a group setting), it is a way to receive care that in many ways transcends the benefits of  private  treatments.

 Just as with anything that is done in a group, the effects can be amplified. The results can actually be more effective both on the physical and on the mental-emotional level.

The cost is greatly reduced, making this an incredibly affordable way to practice self-care, to recover from pain/injury, or treat any of the other imbalances that acupuncture is known to help. Here it is sometimes less than what most people spend on coffee and snacks during one day!! 

FAQ about group acupuncture:

Is there any privacy or does everyone get to hear what I say? 
Answer: Our room is very peaceful and calming with music playing as well as a “white noise” machine going. This makes it a little more difficult to be heard unless talking is loud. If you are a very private person that is coming in for something you do not want people to know anything about you may want to have a private session first to do a private full interview.

Do I have to take clothes off? 
Answer: No. Just your shoes and socks, and maybe a sweater of jacket if you are wearing one. you will want to wear something comfortable like workout clothes.

Is it as effective as a private treatment?
 Answer: Yes!! Jessica uses the same techniques and attention as she does in a private session.  

What if I can’t relax with others in the room? 
Because Acupuncture itself is deeply relaxing along with the relaxing environment , people usually don’t have too much trouble letting themselves relax but for some people it make take a few group sessions to get used to.

  How often do I need to come? 
Answer: Depends on what you are being treated for. Sometimes people come in 2 times per week for a couple of weeks, then decrease to once per week, then down to a “tune-up” schedule of what works for them (usually once per month or per season).

Now through December 1st we are offering an intoductory price of $10 so everyone can try it out! If you are one of those people who has always wanted to try acupuncture this is a good way to get in for only $10 to see what you think.  Jessica has group acupuncture sessions every weekend. Our Facebook and Twitter feeds can keep you up to date on the times or you can contact 

Friday, August 26, 2011

CRAVING local businesses!

Last night was the launch of CRAVE Portland guide. It is so inspiring to be part of a guide that has a group of such amazing women entrepreneurs who are all following their dreams and making it happen! This book is definitely something you need to check out as it is the ultimate guide to Portland women owned businesses.
Here is a sneak peak of some of my favorite quotes from the book!

What tip would you give women who are starting a business?
                “Bury all fears of failure in a bow, lock it up and throw away the key. Any passionate woman can nurture a business into success with focus and determination.”- Jasmine Tran of Essance

What tip would you give women who are starting a business?
                “Be exactly who you are. Clients will resonate with that and come back for more.”- Brandie Kajino of SOHO Solutionist

                “Remember your sisterhood! Reach out for help, and it will be there. Business is not about cutthroat competition anymore. We are most successful when we help each other thrive.”- Juniper Martin of Juniper Martin, MD

Oh and did I mention there are discounts offered from the businesses in the back of the book! : ) No matter what your CRAVING there is something for you. Available at Skin Zen, come pick one up and check out all the awesome women owned businesses!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My Sister! My Friend! My Business Partner….?

  When I tell people I have a business with my sister I hear everything from “That would be my dream to open a business like that with my sisters,” to “I don’t think I could do something like that with my sister!” But business wasn’t always something we did together. As a kid I started many businesses….The Babysitter’s Club, The We Love Kids Club, The Cleaning Club, the list goes on but I’m just now noticing that they always seemed to end with ‘Club!’ They made a decent profit, in fact we once made enough to take the entire company to see the Nutcracker. The ‘entire company’ was always the same: myself as President, my best friend Danielle as Treasurer, my other best friend Brittney as Secretary, and my younger sister Marcy…definitely not ever included! And I think she was totally fine with that, she didn’t seem too interested.
Fast forward about 15 years and here Marcy and I are running Skin Zen Acupuncture and Esthetics (She wouldn’t let me name it The Skin Zen Club J nor was I allowed to be designated ‘President’). How did this all come about? I was in the middle of acupuncture school and Marcy was trying to decide what career path to take. We wanted to find something she would like to do that would fit nicely with acupuncture so we could start a business together. Well, Marcy wasn’t up for Medical school J, insurance billing sounded boring to her, and I couldn’t talk her into massage school either, so finally we found an esthetician program that focused on natural skincare. I’ll admit it, I had to kind of talk her into it, but she jumped in with the vision of combining our skills for one awesome business. Luckily, it turned out she happened to absolutely love learning and practicing natural skincare. Plus, she ended up being completely amazing at the treatments too, if I do say so!
So here we are with our business and we both absolutely love our jobs and being able to make our own decisions, but what’s it really like starting a business with your sister? For us, our personalities and strengths are different enough from each other that it works to our advantage. While we are always respectful of each other and are really drama-free, we can say things to each other that some wouldn’t be able to say to a co-worker or business partner. For example, when I ask what she thinks of the advertising flyer I made, she can just cut right to it and say “That color is so ugly!” And I have no problem nagging her about posting the blog I wrote. Not that we don’t ever get on each other’s nerves, but we aren’t worried about offending each other.
As we continue to build our business together, we push ourselves and each other to provide the best possible care and service to our customers. We are just living our dream of loving our work, and we’re looking forward to adding another sister to the business once she’s old enough…we think we have our youngest sister talked into joining us as a massage therapist once she’s 18!

A sister is both your mirror and your opposite.

You can kid the world, but not your sister.